The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Above Ground Pool

Having an above ground pool in your backyard is a fantastic way to enjoy the summer weather and stay cool. However, with so many options available on the market, choosing the perfect above ground pool can be overwhelming. This guide will help you navigate through the factors to consider when selecting the ideal above ground pool for your needs.

above ground swimming pools

Factors to Consider

1. Size

  • Determine the available space in your backyard to ensure the pool will fit comfortably.
  • Consider the number of people who will be using the pool regularly to determine the appropriate size.

2. Shape

  • Above ground pools come in various shapes such as round, oval, and rectangular.
  • Choose a shape that complements your backyard landscape and fits your aesthetic preferences.

3. Material

  • Steel, resin, and aluminum are common materials used for above ground pool frames.
  • Consider the durability and maintenance requirements of each material before making a decision.

Types of Above Ground Pools

1. Steel Frame Pools

  • Known for their durability and stability.
  • Require some maintenance to prevent rusting.

2. Resin Frame Pools

  • Resistant to rust and corrosion, making them low maintenance.
  • Lightweight and easy to assemble.

3. Inflatable Pools

  • Affordable and easy to set up.
  • Not as durable as framed pools and may need frequent replacement.

Additional Features to Consider

1. Filter System

  • Choose between sand, cartridge, or DE filters based on your maintenance preferences.
  • Consider the filtration rate to ensure proper water circulation and cleanliness.

2. Ladder or Steps

  • Ensure the pool comes with a secure ladder or steps for easy entry and exit.
  • Consider the weight capacity of the ladder to accommodate all users.

3. Pool Liner

  • Opt for a durable pool liner that can withstand regular use and UV exposure.
  • Choose a pattern or color that complements your backyard aesthetic.

Maintenance and Safety Tips

1. Regular Cleaning

  • Invest in a pool skimmer and vacuum to remove debris and maintain water clarity.
  • Test the water regularly and adjust the pH and chlorine levels as needed.

2. Safety Measures

  • Install a fence around the pool area to prevent unsupervised access, especially for households with children.
  • Consider adding a pool alarm or cover for added security when the pool is not in use.

3. Winterization

  • Properly winterize your above ground pool to protect it from freezing temperatures and damage.
  • Drain the pool to the appropriate level and cover it with a winter pool cover to prevent debris accumulation.


Choosing the perfect above ground pool requires careful consideration of factors such as size, shape, material, and additional features. By understanding your preferences and maintenance capabilities, you can select an above ground pool that provides enjoyment for years to come. Remember to prioritize safety and proper maintenance to ensure a safe and clean swimming environment for you and your family.