Tag Archives: Sunglasses

How to Choose the Right Sunglasses for Your Face

When it comes to buying sunglasses, you must take the time to choose the right pair for your face shape. Not only will the right pair of sunglasses look great, but they can also protect your eyes from the damaging UV rays of the sun. So, how do you choose the right sunglasses for you?  You can also visit https://www.marsquest.com/ if you are looking for sunglasses.


First, you should determine your face shape. There are seven basic face shapes: round, oval, heart, square, diamond, triangle, and oblong. To figure out your face shape, look in the mirror and use a marker or pencil to trace your outline. Once you have your outline, compare it to the various face shapes and determine which one matches yours the closest.

Once you have identified your face shape, you can now start to look for the right pair of sunglasses for your face. Round faces look best in rimless frames or aviators, as these help to elongate the face.

Oval faces look good in all types of frames, as the shape of the face allows for most types of sunglasses to work. Heart-shaped faces should look for frames that are wider at the bottom, such as cat-eye.

Square faces look the best with round or oval frames, as they help to soften the angles of the face. Diamond faces should choose frames that are wider at the top, such as cat-eye or aviators.

Triangle faces should look for frames that are wider at the bottom, such as aviators or browline. Oblong faces should look for frames that are wider than the face, as this will help to shorten the appearance of the face.

Choose The Right Sunglasses For Your Face

Whether you want to make a style statement or buy eye protection, the right type of sunglasses is an important part of a woman's wardrobe. 

You can purchase the top-quality locs sunglasses via https://tshirtsale.co.nz/collections/locs. With so many styles available in the market, finding the right match can be confusing. Here's a simple guide to finding the perfect match for you.

If you have a square face with a strong jaw, round sunglasses will suit you. The curved shape of your glasses complements the angular structure of your face. People with square faces are advised not to buy sunglasses that are flat or have a straight bottom. Large round glasses look best on square faces.

If you have a heart-shaped or triangular face with a narrow chin and broad forehead, choose a slightly rounded pair. Oval sunglasses are a great way to soften your face. Such facial structures are the best of aviator glasses, which smooth out their shape by tilting inward at the bottom.

For women with oval faces, framed sunglasses are best, which help to create a strong horizontal line. Consider buying sunglasses with a wrap that helps shorten the elongated structure. You can find heavier pairs above.

Round facial curves are usually the most visible. If you want to make your face longer and slimmer, make sure your frame doesn't have too many curves. Round face women can wear the best square or square frame glasses!

Oval faces are the most versatile when it comes to sunglass fashion. Soft rounded curves match almost any style of sunglasses.