Tag Archives: Residential sewer line repair

Tips For Repairing A Residential Sewer Line

A residential sewer line is a pipe that carries wastewater and stormwater from homes to the municipal sewer system. The line connects to the main sewage line in your neighborhood, and can also connect to septic systems. When something goes wrong with your residential sewer line, you'll need to call a contractor to fix it. You can also hire professional contractors through https://wootenknockoutplumbing.com/drain-sewer/  to fix these problems.

Here are some tips for repairing a residential sewer line:

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1. Check for leaks: If you notice any water spilling out of your home or overflowing onto the ground, there's a good chance that a leak is responsible. Leaks can be small or large and can happen anywhere along the sewer line.

2. Clear blockages: If you see something blocking the flow of wastewater through your sewer line, clear it immediately using a plunger or snake. Blockages can be caused by tree roots, rocks, or other objects that have fallen into the pipe.

3. Call a contractor: If you find either of the above solutions doesn't solve your problem, it's time to call a contractor. A broken pipe can cause serious flooding in your home, and will require professional help to fix."


Overall, if you have experienced a sewer back up in the past or are just starting to experience problems with your drainage system, now is a good time to learn about repairs and maintenance.