Tag Archives: mhpaea compliance

Mental Health Parity And Addiction Act Compliance: What You Need To Know?

Mental health parity is a federal law that requires insurance providers to treat mental health and substance use disorders the same as physical health conditions. This means that people with mental health conditions must be treated the same as those with physical health conditions, including receiving the same treatment options, coverage, and benefits. 

To address the differences in psychiatric care that exist between various income groups, the MHPAEA was established. Any employer with at least fifty employees is eligible for the MHPAEA concession

What are the requirements for mental health parity coverage?

Under the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Act of 2008 (MHPAEA), all health plans must provide coverage for mental health services in the same manner as they cover medical services. This means that mental health parity is a requirement for insurance companies, employers and government programs.

To be in compliance with the MHPAEA, your plan must meet certain requirements. First, your plan must have a specific definition of mental illness or disorder. Second, your plan must cover treatment for conditions that meet this definition. Finally, your plan must pay for treatment on an equal basis with other types of medical treatments.

If you believe that your insurance company is not in compliance with the MHPAEA, you may file a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS will investigate the complaint and make a determination whether your insurance company has violated the law. If HHS determines that your insurance company has violated the MHPAEA, it can impose fines or penalties on the company.