Tag Archives: Bioenergetic Healing

Biological Dental Implants: A New Way to Replace Missing Teeth

The loss of a tooth is not only a cosmetic problem but also affects the functionality of the mouth. Traditional dental implants, which involve the use of artificial materials, have been a successful solution to replace missing teeth. However, biological dental implants are now becoming an attractive alternative, offering a more natural and long-lasting solution.

BioMed Center  provides natural materials, such as bone and tissue, which are harvested from the patient's own body or from donor tissue. This tissue is then processed and used to form a new tooth root, which is securely anchored into the jawbone. Unlike traditional implants, biological implants are designed to integrate with the surrounding bone and tissue, allowing for a more natural fit and a better aesthetic result.

BioMed Center

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They also have a longer lifespan than traditional implants, as they are not vulnerable to corrosion or wear and tear from normal use. They are also less likely to cause damage to adjacent teeth, as the implant is securely attached to the jawbone. Furthermore, the healing time is generally shorter with biological implants, as there is no need for the implant to be anchored to the bone with screws or other hardware.

The cost of biological implants can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure. Generally, however, they are more expensive than traditional implants. They are also not suitable for everyone, as some patients may not have enough healthy tissue to harvest for the implant.

In conclusion, biological dental implants offer a more natural and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth than traditional implants. However, they are not suitable for everyone, and the cost can be higher than traditional implants. Nevertheless, for those who are suitable candidates, biological dental implants can provide a more aesthetically pleasing and longer-lasting solution than traditional implants.