How To Alleviate Neck, Shoulder, Arm And Wrist Pain: Tips From A Physical Therapist

The Physical therapist is a healthcare professional who uses manual therapy, exercise, and other treatments to help people with chronic physical conditions. You can find physical therapists in hospitals, clinics, schools, and businesses. Some physical therapists also work in the military or as occupational therapists.

There are a variety of causes of neck, shoulder, arm, and wrist pain. The most common source of pain is joint degeneration, however other sources of pain can include muscle imbalances, nerve compression, and repetitive motions. Browse this website to know more about Physical therapy.

Brachial neuritis: Symptoms, causes, and treatmentImage Source: Google

Neck, shoulder, arm, and wrist pain can be very debilitating and difficult to treat. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, there are a few things you can do to try and alleviate the pain.

Here are some tips from a physical therapist on how to treat neck, shoulder, arm, and wrist pain:

  1. Make sure you are properly seated in your chair or car seat. When you sit in an improper position for too long, it can cause tension in your neck, shoulders, and arms.
  2. Take breaks every 30 minutes or so. While it is important to keep working while you have the pain, taking regular breaks will help reduce the amount of stress on your body.
  3. Massage your neck, shoulders, and arms regularly. A good way to relieve tension in these areas is to massage them with a light touch for about 10 minutes several times per day. This will help improve blood circulation in the area which can alleviate pain quickly!
  4. Use ice packs or heat pads on specific areas of pain for 15-20 minutes at a time as needed. This will help reduce inflammation and swelling in the area which can also lead to relief from chronic pain!